Have you found that your sense of smell has diminished with time and that you can no longer detect some meals at all? You should see your doctor if you seem to have problems smelling foods like bananas or dill pickles.
Do you act out your dreams when you are asleep or move around erratically in bed? Your lover may occasionally notice. Sleeping with abrupt movements may indicate Parkinson’s disease.
Do you regularly struggle to void without exerting yourself? Talk to your doctor if you’re having trouble pooping because this could be an indication of Parkinson’s disease in its early stages.
voice that is quiet
Shaking is typical after intense exercise, when under stress, or after an injury. A medication you took could possibly be the reason of your shaking.
Has the size of your handwriting significantly decreased since the past? You may have noticed that the way you write has changed; for instance, the letters are smaller and the words are more closely spaced. Parkinson’s disease may show itself in a person’s handwriting.
What is typical?
If your hands or fingers are stiff or you have poor vision, writing may change as you age.
Have you found that your sense of smell has diminished with time and that you can no longer detect some meals at all? You should see your doctor if you seem to have problems smelling foods like bananas or dill pickles.
Do you act out your dreams when you are asleep or move around erratically in bed? Your lover may occasionally notice. Sleeping with abrupt movements may indicate Parkinson’s disease.
Do you regularly struggle to void without exerting yourself? Talk to your doctor if you’re having trouble pooping because this could be an indication of Parkinson’s disease in its early stages.
voice that is quiet.
Have other individuals mentioned to you that you have a hoarse or incredibly soft voice? Consult your doctor if you notice a change in your voice to determine whether Parkinson’s disease may be to blame. When you talk more softly, you may occasionally mistakenly believe that other people are having trouble hearing you.
So be on the lookout for these Parkinson’s disease symptoms.